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𐃭𐃮𐃯 𐃰𐃭𐃮𐃱 𐃲𐃰𐃱𐃭 𐃭𐃮𐃯𐃳𐃰𐃭𐃮𐃱𐃲𐃰𐃱𐃭
  • 发货地:重庆 沙坪坝区
  • 发货期限:1天内发货
  • 供货总量: 3个
重庆渝赣铭瑞自动化科技有限公司 入驻平台 第11
  • 资质核验已核验企业营业执照
  • 刘女士
  • 𐃭𐃮𐃯 𐃰𐃭𐃮𐃱 𐃲𐃰𐃱𐃭
  • 重庆
  • PLC,变频器,仪表仪表,分析仪


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    重庆 沙坪坝区 重庆市沙坪坝区大学城南二路1080号4幢18-3



Q    Q:1514937096
手   机:18225005392 / 15921540241 
电 话:023-65741909
传 真 :023-65741909
地 址:重庆市沙坪坝区大学城南二路1080号4幢18-3

公司优势品牌:上海新华,SICK,A-B、ABB贝利、ABB仪表,ABB励磁,ABB火检,ABB定位器,罗宾康备件,Foxboro,GE,Siemens仪表,GE-PLC,N-TRON交换机、MOXA交换机,,基恩士,施耐德140模块  SST、ABB晶闸管,本特利,TopWorx. FORNEY,CCS,UE,伊顿
上海新华XDC800,GE新华XDPS 400+ 400E/艾默生MEV系列变频器/富士变频器、美国COOPER阀门、韩国三信阀门

INNIS01 Network Interface Module --- The INNIS01 is the intelligent

INNIS11 Network Interface Module --- The INNIS11 is the intelligent

INNPM01 Network Processing Module --- The INNPM01 module acts as a t

INNPM11 Network Processing Module --- The INNPM11 module acts as a t

INNPM12 Network Processing Module --- The INNPM12 module acts as a t

INOSM01 Open Systems Manager 30 000 point --- The INOSM01 is Bailey

INPCI02-232H Plant Loop to Computer Interface 5 000 points --- The INPCI

INPCI02-232L Plant Loop to Computer Interface 5 000 points --- The INPCI

INPCT01 Plant Loop to Computer Transfer Module --- The INPCT01 modul

INPPR01-232H Plant Loop to Plant Loop Remote Interface 5 000 points ---

INPPR01-232L Plant Loop to Plant Loop Remote Interface 5 000 points ---

INPPT01 Plant Loop to Plant Loop Transfer Module --- The INPPT01 mod

INPTM01 Point Table Module --- The Point Table Module along with the

INSEM01 Sequence of Events Master Module

INSIM01 Serial Interface Module --- The NSIM01 INSIM01 checks the fo

INSOE01 Sequence of Event Server Node --- The INSOE01 includes the I

INTKM01 Time Keeper Master module.

IPBLC01 Harmony Power Module --- The IPBLC01 is identical to the IPF

IPBLK01 Power System Blank Faceplate --- The IPBLK01 is a blank face

IPCHS01 Power Module Chassis --- The IPCHS01 provides power input p

IPCHS02 Power Module Chassis --- The IPCHS02 is basically the same a

IPECB11 Power Entry Circuit Breaker 120 240 VAC Input ---The IPECB1

IPECB13 Power Entry Circuit Breaker 125 VDC Input --- The IPECB13 a

IPESW11 Power Entry Switch 120 240 VAC Input --- The IPESW11 along

IPESW13 Power Entry Switch 125 VDC Input --- The IPESW13 along with

IPFAN11 Power System Fan --- The IPFAN14 has replaced the IPFAN11 (1

IPFAN12 Power System Fan --- The IPFAN14 has replaced the IPFAN11 (1

IPFAN13 Power System Fan --- The IPFAN14 has replaced the IPFAN11 (1

IPFAN14 Power System Fan --- The IPFAN14 has replaced the IPFAN11 (1

IPFCH01 Power Fan Chassis ---The IPFCH01 mounts two system power fan

IPFLD01 Field Power Module 24 VDC --- The IPFLD01 Field Power Modul

IPFLD125 Field Power Module 125 VDC --- The IPFLD125 Field Power Mod

IPFLD24 Field Power Module 24 VDC --- The IPFLD24 Field Power Modul

IPFLD48 Field Power Module 48 VDC --- The IPFLD48 Field Power Modul

IPMON01 Power Monitor Module --- The IPMON01 monitors system level a

IPSYS01 System Power Module --- The IPSYS01 System Power Module supp

NADS01 Annunciator Display Select --- The Annunciator Display panel

NADS02 Annunciator Display Select --- The Annunciator Display panel

NADS03 Annunciator Display Select --- The Annunciator Display panel

NADS04 Annunciator Display Select --- The Annunciator Display panel

NAKB01 Auxiliary Engineering Keyboard --- This QWERTY keyboard plug

NAMM03 Analog Master Module --- The Analog Master Module accepts an

NAOM01 Analog Output Module --- The NAOM01 IMAOM01 produces eight s

NASI02 Analog Input Module --- The Analog Input Module provides fif

NASM01 Analog Input Module --- This analog slave module processes u

NASM02 Analog Input Module --- This NASM02 IMASM02 accepts up to ei

NASM03 Analog Input Module ---This analog slave module accepts up t

NASM04 Analog Input Module --- This NASM04 IMASM04 accepts up to ei

NASO01 Analog Output Module --- The NASO01 IMASO01 IMASO11 provides

NBIM02 Bus Interface Module --- This module along with the Loop In

NBTM01 Bus Transfer Module --- The Bus Transfer Module along with t

NCIS02 Control I O Module --- The Control I O Module supplies analo

NCIU01 Computer Interface Unit - replaced with INPCI02 --- The NCIU

NCIU02 Computer Interface Unit - replaced with INPCI02 --- The NCIU

NCIU03 Computer Interface Unit Enhanced - replaced with INPCI02 --

NCIU04 Computer Interface Unit Superloop - replaced with INICI01 -

NCOM01 Enhanced Controller Module --- The Enhanced Controller Modul

NCOM02 Enhanced Controller Module --- The Enhanced Controller Modul

NCOM03 Enhanced Controller Module --- The Enhanced Controller Modul

NCOM04 Advanced Controller Module --- This module has similar featu

NCPM01 Communication Port Module --- This Communication Port Module

NCTM01 Configuration and Tuning Module --- The NCTM01 provides loca

NDCS03 Digital Control Station --- The NDCS03 provides a convention

NDLS02 Digital Logic Station --- The NDLS02 is a pushbutton and ind

NDSI02 Digital Input Module --- The NDSI02 IMDSI02 acts as a contac

NDSM01 Digital Logic Station Interface Module - replaced with IMDSM

NDSM04 Pulse Input Module --- The NDSM04 IMDSM04 conditions conver

NDSM05 Digital Logic Station Interface Module --- The NDSM05 IMDSM0

NDSO01 Digital Output Module 24 VAC-240 VAC 3 Amps --- There are

NDSO02 Digital Output Module 5 VDC-50 VDC 3 Amps --- There are fo

NDSO03 Digital Output Module 5 VDC-160 VDC 1 Amp --- There are fo

NDSO04 Digital Output Module 24 VDC 250mA (replaced with IMDSO14)

NFAN01 Fan Assembly 120 VAC Six Fan Assembly --- The Fan Assembly

NFAN02 Fan Assembly 240 VAC Six Fan Assembly --- The Fan Assembly

NFCS01 Frequency Counter Module --- The Frequency Counter Module is

NHSS01 Hydraulic Servo Module --- The Hydraulic Servo Module is a p

NIOP02 I O Power Panel --- The NIOP02 houses one or two I O Power S

NIOP04 I O Power Panel --- The NIOP04 houses one or two I O Power S

NLBS01 Local Bypass Station --- The Logical Bypass Station holds an

NLIM01 Loop Interface Module --- This module with the Bus Interfac

NLIM02 Loop Interface Module --- This module with the Bus Interfac

NLIS01 Loop Interface Module - replaced with INNIS01 --- This modul

NLMM02 Logic Master Module --- The Logic Master Module has 8 digita


版权所有 供应商网(www.gys.cn)


PLC 变频器 仪表仪表 分析仪

重庆渝赣铭瑞自动化科技有限公司 手机:𐃭𐃮𐃯𐃰𐃭𐃮𐃱𐃲𐃰𐃱𐃭 电话:𐃭𐃮𐃯𐃳𐃰𐃭𐃮𐃱𐃲𐃰𐃱𐃭 地址:重庆 沙坪坝区 重庆市沙坪坝区大学城南二路1080号4幢18-3